Have you been thinking about buying a new vehicle? If you have then you must allow yourself time to carefully consider all of your options. Many hasty purchases can be regretted at leisure, but no bad purchase can truly compare to a poorly thought out car purchase. While most people have their own ideas about the make and model of vehicle they want all perspective car buyers will have to decide between two major options. Should you buy a new vehicle or should you settle on a used one. Almost all car buyers want a brand new vehicle for a variety of reasons.
There is nothing like being the first person to slide behind the wheel of a car and take it home. Unfortunately, that dream is not affordable or practical for many car buyers. Since purchasing a brand new car is not always feasible many car buyers will start looking at used cars.
When looking at used cars many people find themselves unenthusiastic and even resigned to their fate. A negative stigma has begun to be associated with purchasing used cars that really should exist. In this day and age state and federal laws prohibit dealers and individuals from selling cars that need a LOT of repairs to unsuspecting buyers.
Since most dealers know that they can not get away with selling a 'lemon' they will offer warranties that will cover most basic problems. Having a warranty available sets a lot of car buyers' minds at ease. Knowing that you can take your car back to the dealer the minute something goes wrong severely reduces the stress level of the average consumer. Ironically enough people who purchase brand new cars have just as much of a chance of taking their car in for repairs as those who have purchased used cars.
With that in mind, if you might end up taking your new car to the shop anyway what is wrong with purchasing a great used car whose vehicle history has been fully disclosed. A great place to look for a new car is at auctions. Car auctions take place all over the United States and on the internet everyday. These auctions are made up of cars that have been repossessed for non-payment and are now put up for auction by the finance company. Since the finance company is desperate to get some sort of money for the car they are willing to accept whatever is offered.
This means you can get a great car for up to 95% off the retail price. Since cars are repossessed for non-payment they can be of any make, model, or year so you might even be able to find a fairly new vehicle for an amazing price.
Nicholas writes for an auto insurance site where you can read articles on related topics such as cheap car insurance for women.